First Steps in Unlocking Human Ability to Regenerate Tissue

A research group at Stanford University, led by Helen M. Blau, Jason H. Pomerantz (pictured left), now an Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at UCSF, and Kostandin V. Pajcini, has, as reported by the NY Times, "taken a possible first step toward unlocking the human ability to regenerate. By inactivating two genes that work to suppress tumors, they got mouse muscle cells to revert to a younger state, start dividing and help repair tissue."
Two New Paths to the Dream: Regeneration - New York Times
New Clues on Regrowing Tissue - Wall Street Journal
Muscling in on limb regeneration - NatureNews
Transient Inactivation of Rb and ARF Yields Regenerative Cells from Postmitotic Mammalian Muscle - Original Article in "Cell Stem Cell"